On Air Claare ny Gael Bob Carswell | 6:00pm - 7:00pm

#MRWomenToday listen again: KnowMannsLand and the Women's March

We were joined today by Kirsty Lawrence who, on being made redundant soon after her son was born, took her future into her own hands; with the help and advice of DigitalMums.com she created Know Mann's Land, which celebrates and promotes the Island that she loves across all social media platforms. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where she shares information about events on the Island along with beautiful photographs of the places she discovers when she is out and about;

- speaking of photographs, we also shared a lovely story about a woman in Kent who has discovered that ‘photogratherapy’ is the one thing that helps her deal with her anxiety disorder;

- also today we looked into the news that Tory MP Ben Bradley has apologised for comments he made in a blog post in 2012 suggesting that benefit claimants should have vasectomies (you were very vocal about this one!);

- and we were also joined by Christine Cowley from Women Of Mann, who came in to tell us about the Women's Day of Action and Unity March that takes place this weekend. Starting at the War Memorial on Douglas Prom at 3pm, the march is open to the whole family (men included!) and is a non-political event, celebrating unity and equality. There is also an event after the march at Noa Bakehouse from 3.30 pm, with guest speakers - tickets for this event are priced at £2 (to cover the cost of the venue) and any additional monies raised will be donated to Women's Aid IOM. You can reserve tickets by email:- thewomenofmann@gmail.com

NB: Christine confirmed they do still have one or two spaces left for guest speakers, so if you know someone who would be perfect to share their story or achievements please use the above email address or contact one of the hosts directly

If you missed the programme you can listen again at this link for the next 7 days at this link.

Tomorrow, listen in to hear us announce the 2nd of our 50 Things Challenges...