On Air Saturday Sandwich Simon Clarke & Kirree Kermode | 10:00am - Noon

Allan Bell (2011)

House of Keys general election on September 29, 2011.      

Constituency: Ramsey (2011)

Personal Details (2011)

Full Name: Allan Robert Bell



Age on day of election:

Place of Birth:

Hobbies and interests:

Audio (2011)

Interviewed by Roger Watterson on Agenda, on Monday, August 08, 2011

Interviewed by John Moss on Mandate, on Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Constituency debate featuring candidates standing in Ramsey – Linda Bowers-Kasch - LVP, Allan Bell, Anne Craine, Lawrie Hooper, John McDonough & Leonard Singer – chaired by Beth Espey on Thursday, September 22, 2011


General Details (2011)

Status: Sitting Member

Occupation: Politician

Previous political experience: Member of the House of Keys

Independent candidate: Yes

Political Affiliation: Not affiliated to any political party


Manifesto (2011)







Video (2011)

Candidate for Ramsey, outgoing MHK Allan Bell, talking to John Moss on Mandate, on Tuesday, August 16, 2011