On Air Saturday Live Paul Moran | Noon - 4:00pm

Howard Quayle (2011)

House of Keys general election on September 29, 2011.      

Constituency: Middle (2011)

Personal Details (2011)

Full Name: Robert Howard Quayle

Married: Yes – wife Lorraine

Children: 3 children – Chantal (20), Cameron (12) and Elizabeth (10)

Age on day of election: 44

Place of Birth: Douglas – Isle of Man

Hobbies and interests: Classical Music, travel, reading, collecting and viewing art and Manx History.

Audio (2011)

Interviewed by Stuart Peters on Talking Heads, on Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Interviewed by John Moss on Mandate, on Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Constituency debate featuring candidates standing in Middle – Juan Cottier - LVP, Paul Craine, Howard Quayle, Martyn Quayle – chaired by Roger Watterson on Monday, September 19, 2011


General Details (2011)

Status: Challenger

Occupation: Businessman

Previous political experience: For 5 years leading up to 2010, I was President of the Manx National Farmers Union which involved fighting the industries corner at Brussels, Strasburg and Westminster. I have links with a number of MEP’s.

Independent candidate: Yes

Political Affiliation: Not affiliated to any political party


Political questions (2011)
Letter to constituents (2011)
Manifesto (2011)








Video (2011)

Candidate for Middle, Howard Quayle, talking to John Moss on Mandate, on Tuesday, June 21, 2011