On Air Saturday Night Live Mike Reynolds | 10:00pm - 1:00am

Christine Urquhart

Christine Urquhart

Christine Urquhart is an independent candidate and this is the first time she's stood in a General Election.

She's a founding chairperson of Ellan Vannin Victims Service and an advocate for Victims Rights.

She has two sons and a 10 month old kitten called Talon, and in her spare time enjoys music of all genres, going to live gigs and keeping fit with home workouts and walking.

Christine says: "My aim is to bring the people back into the politics of the island. To make your voice count, be heard, and be actioned upon. After all, we are here to serve YOU!"

We asked each candidate to choose three priorities from the following issues or add their own:

Climate change, heritage, tourism, public transport, affordable housing, roads, mental health, education, falling birth rate, encouraging university students to return to the Island.

Christine chose affordable housing, roads and mental health.

She also added Douglas prom, health and social care, the Sexual Offences and Obscene Publications Bill, affordable childcare, NSC flumes and a victims commissioner for the Isle of Man.

Declaration of Interests:

Trustee and chairperson of Ellan Vannin Victims Service charity

Candidate Media:


Card Key:

https://mmo.aiircdn.com/61/60521c2661f3b.gif  Green Party

https://mmo.aiircdn.com/61/60521c2673cd5.gif  Independent

https://mmo.aiircdn.com/61/60521c272f143.gif  Liberal Vannin

https://mmo.aiircdn.com/61/60521c2719c0a.gif  Manx Labour Party