On Air Night Flight | 1:00am - 6:00am

Teacher uses life-saving skills in classroom

A Douglas schoolboy's life may have been saved after swift action by his teacher when the child almost choked on a sweet.

Deputy headteacher at St Mary's Primary Jo Callow had been on a life-saving course with St John Ambulance the day before, and knew exactly what to do.

Seven-year-old Richmond Gabriel was sharing sweets with his friends when one became lodged in his throat.

In a state of panic the youngster rushed over to his teacher who quickly saw potential danger.

Thanks to her recent St John Ambulance training, Mrs Callow was fully prepared, giving blows on the back using the heel of her hand. On the fourth slap the sweet came flying out of Richmond's mouth.

Despite the ordeal, he understands what happened, and why (listen to audio file below):

Richmond's parents have said they are extremely grateful.

(Picture: Richmond, with Mrs Callow and 'Choking Charlie', a demonstration dummy used by St John Ambulance).

Clip 1

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