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Key increases in benefits

Bishaghyn ard scanshoil 'sy chooney cadjin argidoil

Claare Argidoil  Ellan Vannin 2023


Lurg cur er-ash bishaghey y 'ghlass three-filley' –

  • Pension bunnidagh y steat (10.1%)
  • Pension elley – 'Nah Phension y Steat' (10.1%)
  • Pension Steat Vannin – gys y clane towse (10.1%)
  • Pension Steat Vannin – towseyn coadit (10.1%)

Lught-thie/Reddyn Elley

  • Lowanse moiraghys, lowanse doltanys as lowanse ayraghys (16.8%)
  • Cooney cadjin argidoil son Paitchey (9.8%)
  • Lowanse son Peiagh Faillt – lowanseyn bunnidagh as lowanseyn son paitchyn (9.8%)


  • Lowanse Kiaraileyder (10.7%)
  • Lowanse Tendeil (9.8%)
  • Lowanse Ceau Bea lesh Anlheiltys (9.8% son y chooid smoo, 10.1% son rate syrjey bentyn da ablid dy ghleashaghey)
  • Premium Pohlldal Cheet Stiagh jeh Kiaraileyder (17.1%)
  • Premiumyn son Pohlldal Cheet Stiagh son Anlheiltys as son Paitchey Anlheiltagh (9.8%)
  • Toyrtys son Kiarail Boandyragh (10.1%)Bee'n bishaghey ayns yn Lowanse Kiaraileyder jeh vondeish da bunnys 600 kiaraileyder.

•    Nee mysh 19,000 pensioneyr fakin Pension y Steat oc bishaghey liorish 10.1%

•    Hig vondeish da mysh 3,500 fer er-leh as lught-thie jeh'n aash obbree as cheet stiagh injil oc ass bishaghey ayns Lowanse son Peiagh Faillt,            Pohlldal Cheet Stiagh as Lowanse Shirreyder Startey vees soit er cheet stiagh.

•    Tashtey y Strateish Tarmaynagh currit er bun lesh £100 millioon dy argid ry hoi pohlldal livrey y Strateish Tarmaynagh son yn Ellan.

•    Claare queig bleeaney son baih bun-argid vees feeu £442.4 millioon, with £233.5 millioon currit son skeimyn y Reiltys Meanagh.

•    Bee yn Tashtey Caghlaa Kiarail Slaynt aa-lhieent rish £3.5 millioon elley ry hoi pohlldal y cooilleeney vees foast goll jeh moyllaghyn tuarastyl yn         Reejerey Jonathan Michael.

Isle of Man Budget 2023


Following the restoration of the ‘triple lock’ uprating -

  • Basic state pension (10.1%)
  • Additional pension – ‘SERPS’ (10.1%)
  • Manx State Pension – up to full amount (10.1%)
  • Manx State Pension – protected amounts (10.1%)


  • Maternity allowance, adoption allowance and paternity allowance (16.8%)
  • Child Benefit (9.8%)
  • Employed Person’s Allowance – basic allowances and allowances for children (9.8%)


  • Carer’s Allowance (10.7%)
  • Attendance Allowance (9.8%)
  • Disability Living Allowance (9.8% generally, 10.1% for higher rate mobility component)
  • Income Support Carer Premium (17.1%)
  • Income Support Disability and Disabled Child Premiums (9.8%)
  • Nursing Care Contribution (10.1%)

•    The increase in Carer’s Allowance will benefit almost 600 carers.

•    Around 19,000 pensioners will see their State Pension increased by 10.1%.

•    Approximately 3,500 individuals and families of working age on low incomes will benefit from increases in Employed Person’s Allowance,                   Income Support and income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance.

•    Economic Strategy Fund established with funding of £100 million to support delivery of the Economic Strategy for the Island.

•    A five-year capital investment programme worth £442.4 million, with £233.5 million allocated to Central Government schemes.

•    The Healthcare Transformation Fund will be topped up by a further £3.5 million to support the ongoing implementation of recommendations from        the Sir Jonathan Michael report.

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