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Consultation on Ramsey's dog bylaws

Current regulations end in March

If you have an opinion on Ramsey's dog bylaws, the town's commissioners would like to hear from you.

The current regulations expire at the end of March, and the local authority has launched a consultation to see if people would like to see any changes to them.

The bylaws impose controls on dogs in certain parts of Ramsey.

Ed Oldham reports:

The consultation is seeking views on whether the areas from which dogs are banned should be changed.

Currently, these are; Mooragh Park, Coronation Park, the rugby pitch and BMX track next to the Mooragh, school grounds, and the stretch of the beach between the south breakwater and lifeboat slipway.

The consultation wants to know whether people think dogs on leads should be allowed on the paths in the Mooragh Park.

It also wants views on whether other areas should be opened up or prohibited.

Contributions to the consultation can be submitted via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TJN9KDB

A paper version of the questionnaire can be picked up from the library in Ramsey Town Hall.

Written submissions can also be made to Deputy Town Clerk, Ramsey Town Commissioners, Town Hall, Ramsey, IM8 1RT.

The consultation ends at 5pm on Monday, 6 February.

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