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Veteran TT commentator passes away

Maurice voice of Glen Helen for 30 years

The longtime voice from Glen Helen and the Southern 100 Maurice Mawdsley has passed away.

He was the Manx Radio TT commentator at the point 9.5 miles in for 30 years having also spent time previously at Ballacraine and The Bungalow.


Maurice was very much the voice of the Southern 100 from 1988 to 2016.


He was presented with an award at the Club dinner in February - a crystal glass microphone.


Tributes have been pouring in through this morning (Thurs)


MHK Rob Callister, the Isle of Man Government’s Political member with responsibility for Tourism and Motorsport says “Maurice became synonymous with the TT and his commentary provided colour and detail not only to a trackside audience but latterly on-line to a worldwide audience who were able to follow the races remotely.”


“Maurice made a major contribution to the profile and success of the TT Races and will be sorely missed"


Chief Minister Howard Quayle says his thoughts and deepest sympathies to the loved ones of Maurice Mawdsley. Most people will remember Maurice as a TT and S100 commentator . . but I also knew him well from our time in the Civil Service and through our membership of the Manx Operatic Society. A lovely man.


Road Racing News say he was one of the TT and pure road racing's great commentators.

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