On Air Saturday Sandwich Simon Clarke & Kirree Kermode | 10:00am - Noon

Rally dropped from British Championship

Rally lhieggit veih Roortaght Ghoaldagh

Gyn bout Vannin y vlein shoh cheet

Ta'n eiyrtys jeh scryssey magh Rally Ellan Vannin dy anmagh foast goll er.

Ta'n taghyrt er ve lhieggit veih feaillere hallidagh y Roortaght Rally Ghoaldagh 2019.

V'eh er ny ograghey magh ec toshiaght y vee shoh nagh jinnagh y taghyrt 2018 goll er cummal er-coontey doilleeidyn eddyr ny reagheyderyn as y reiltys.

Va'n rally reaghit dy ghoaill toshiaght Jerdein 13ss Mean Fouyir.


No Manx round next year

The fall-out from the late cancellation of Rally Isle of Man continues.

The event has been dropped from the provisional 2019 British Rally Championship calendar.

It was announced at the beginning of this month the 2018 edition would not go ahead due to issues between the organisers and government.

The rally was due to start on Thursday 13 September.

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