On Air Saturday Live Lounge Siobhan Fletcher | 4:00pm - 6:00pm


X Manx Sky at Night

Monday, 31 August 2020 - 30 minutes

With the sun setting earlier and rising later, we're getting longer hours of darkness - which is good news for stargazers!  

Howard talks about the autumn equinox, viewing the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way. September is also a great month for catching sight of the planets - Jupiter and Saturn will be dominating the sky soon, but  Howard also explains when and where we can see Mars, Venus and Mercury.  

And in other news ….. Howard talks about his recent  visit to Sark - the first 'dark sky' to be internationally recognised - he discusses what happened to the Arecibo dish, and explains why Betelgeuse was dimming.  And finally ….. the next Dragon Space-X mission, taking four astronauts to the International Space Station,  has been postponed to the end of October - there's just so much happening on the space station - they're waiting for a gap in the traffic!  

Howard will be once again lecturing on astronomy on Wednesday evenings from October, at the University College Isle of Man.  See the college website for course details and how to enrol.

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