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Community Directory
Manx Housing Trust - 626226
Isle of Man Social Services - 686179
ISSUE(Isle of Man) - 861747
Manx Churches Adoption & Welfare Society - 625161
Nugent Care Society(Catholic Social Services) - 663604
Age Concern
Offers a wide range of activities for older people. If you're interested in helping Age Concern or in joining their activities, call the Chief Officer on 613044
Aids 24 hour Helpline - 0800 567 123
Alcohol Abuse
The Isle of Man Alcohol Advisory Service offers advice and support to anyone experiencing difficulties with their own or someone else's drinking. The service is available from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, and is completely confidential. For further information, or to make an appointment, telephone - 627656
Animal Welfare
Mann Cat Sanctuary - 824195
MSPCA - 851672
Cats Protection Trust / Catline - 878291 or 662921
Dog Warden Service Mobile - 494475
Island Horse and Pony Aid - 833922
Bat Helpline - 843739
Manx Bird Atlas(bird research) - 861130
Arthritis Care
The Manx Branch of Arthritis Care offers support locally through social activities as as well as bringing together people who often feel isolated as a result of their condition. Everyone with an interest is welcome to attend the meetings at the Manx Foundation for the Physically Disabled at Masham Court, Victoria Avenue, Douglas on the third Monday of each month, starting at 7.30pm. For more information call - 622249
Autistic Support Group IoM (9am-9pm) - 621791
Breast-feeding Helpline - 670383
If you are finding it hard to come to terms with the death of someone close, you're very welcome to join the self-help group which meets on the third Sunday of each month at the Empress Hotel in Douglas from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. Don't feel that you're on your own and that no-one understands. Members of the group will meet you and make sure that you have someone to talk to.
Manx Blind Welfare Society(24hr) - 674727
Cancer Help Association
This is a Manx support group inspired by the Bristol Cancer Help Centre and they offer support and information for cancer patients and their families. Call - 852825
Alzheimer's Disease Society Helpline - 621399
Contact Line - 616774
IoM Social Services - Home Care Service - 686188
Cervical Smears
The Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association's Staywell Clinic for cervical smears is located at Nobles Hospital. Call - 642363
Childline (UK) 24 hour free calls - 0800 1111
Cuddles Care (Home care for the young) - 629608
Hyperactive Children's Support Group - 814113
IoM Social Services - 686179
MAWCH - 815850
The Isle of Man Children's Centre exists to meet the needs of children, young people and families through the provision of services:Family Centre; Day Nursery; After School & Holiday clubs; Residential care and Mobex (Mobile outdoor education activities) Tel. No. - 676076
Citizens Advice Service
The Douglas Branch of the Manx Citizes' Advice service is open from 12.30pm to 3.00pm on Tuesdays and from 10.00am to 12.30pm on Fridays at Room 3, The Promenade Church, Douglas - Telephone 626 863.
The Port Erin Branch is open from 10.30am until 12.30pm every Friday - telephone - 833976
The Ramsey Branch is open on Monday from 10.00am until 1.00pm, Wednesday from 1.00pm until 4.00pm and Friday from 10.00am until 4.00pm - telephone 813466
Crime Victims
Victim Support - 020 7735 9166
If you are caring for an invalid, whatever the disability, and feel you need help, call Crossroads. They can help in a variety of ways. Contact them on - 673103
Date Protection
Data Protection Registrar - 661030
Manx Deaf Society - 852988
Debt Counselling - 686510
Diabetic Support
The Manx Diabetic Group is a self-help group for all diabetics in the Isle of Man, whether newly diagnosed or not. Contact Jim on 832317, Diane on 626576 or Max on 815814
Manx Foundation for the Physically Disabled - 628926
Cerebral Palsy Helpline (SCOPE) - 0800 626216
SCOPE in Mann - 801189
Drug Abuse
For advice about drugs and the opportunity to discuss all aspects of drugs in a confidential and non-judgemental atmosphere call DASH, the local Drug Advice Service and Helpline, on - 615622
Manx Dyslexia Association - 315724
Age Concern - 613044
Free Information & advice service - 613716
Angels Nursing Agency - 880880
Care Line (24hr) - 663646
Manx Live at Home Scheme - 803012
The Family Centre hopes to be a place where families and children can feel supported in a warm and caring atmosphere which encourages both parents, and children. Tel - 615929
Family Planning Clinic
Family Planning Clinic (previously known as The Greenhouse) at Ballakermeen Road Douglas IM1 4LB
Do you want to talk over your contraception choices with people who are trained to do just that, in a friendly, non-judgemental way?
The Family Planning Clinic in Douglas has 5 sessions/ week and is happy to welcome anyone who wants to talk about their contraception needs.
Call us on 642186 to make an appointment.
We are open
Monday 12 – 1.30pm (drop in)
Wednesday 6.30 – 8pm (appointment)
Thursday 6.30 – 8pm (appointment)
Friday 1 -3pm (appointment)
Saturday 10 – 11.30am (drop in for existing clinic users)
Gamblers Anonymous 24hr - 020 7384 3040
The Manx Natural Healing Centre is open at Centre 21, Greenfield Road, Douglas, Douglas, every Saturday from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. If you're stressed, anxious or unfit, why not go along and find out if their trained therapists can help you. Telephone - 673824
The Simpson May Healing Sanctuary is open for spiritual healing at the Christian Spiritualist Church in Dukes Road, Douglas on Saturdays from 1.00pm until 3.00pm and on Wednesdays from 7.30pm until 8.30pm. No appointment is necessary and fully trained Members of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and the Universal Spiritualist Association are on duty at each session.
Heart Support Group
Do you have a heart problem? Are you a relative or friend of someone who has a heart problem? Do you feel frightened, apprehensive or unsure of what the future might hold? Would you like to talk to someone who has been right where you are now? Why not contact a committee member of the Manx Heart Foundation. Call Tony on 824266 or Viv on 861712
The Manx Heart Support Group meets at the National Sport Centre every Tuesday at 7.00pm for non-competitive, fun exercise such as short mat bowls, table tennis and badminton. Anyone who would like to join this friendly group will be made very welcome whether or not they are heart patients.
I Love Manx Produce
Raising awareness of local food and agruculture on the Isle of Man. Telephone 337865. Website www.ilovemanx.org
ISSUE (Isle of Man) - 861747
Information Services
CIRCA (combined charities groups) 613713
Manx Eating Disorders Support Group
The Manx Eating Disorders Support Group is part of Beat's UK-wide Self-Help Network of support groups -
Beat is the leading national eating disorders charity.
The Group offers support to people over 18 affected by eating disorders and eating problems, such as anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa; binge eating disorder or compulsive overeating problems. Those attending support each other by sharing experiences, thoughts, successes and problems. The group does not offer treatment, counselling or therapy but information about other sources of help is available.
Groups meetings are held mid-monthly on a Wednesday evening from 18:30 until 20:00
For more information about the group, telephone Georgie on 330922 or email manxeds@hotmail.co.uk
Beat Helpline: 08456 341 414
Monday to Friday: 10:30 – 20:30 Saturday: 13:00 - 16:30
Beat Youthline: 0845 634 7650
Monday to Friday: 16:30 – 20:30pm Saturday: 13:00 - 16:30
Marital Problems
More frequent rows? Drifting apart? Thinking about divorce? Mid-life crisis? Not speaking? Sex problems? Afraid to go home? Why not contact Relate for marital and couple counselling or sex therapy on - 623902
ME Support
Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome or ME is a very real illness for those who suffer its effects. There is a local ME self-help group on the Island. Call - 851711
Mental Health
Ballamona Association for Mental Health - 672056
Central Referal Team - 642860
Mentally Handicaped
Manx Mencap - 677289
Your MHK (Member of the House of Keys) is someone you can turn to for help and advice about matters relating to the area in which you live. Telephone numbers and addresses of all MHKs are listed on page 30 of the telephone directory and they're available with support and guidance on constituency matters.
The Miscarriage Association Wakefield - 01924 200799
Missing Persons
Family tracing service (Salvation Army) - 020 73832772
Ard Jerkyl in Foxdale is open every afternoon except Tuesday from 1.00pm until 4.00pm. Telephone - 851672
Nuisance Calls
Manx Telecom Customer Service Freephone - 0808 1624110
Malicious Calls Advice Line - 636314
One Parent Families
Gingerbread - 020 7336 8184
Duty Chemist Rota and on-call Pharmacy services http:// www.manxpharmacy.com
Physically Disabled
The Manx Foundation for the Physically Disabled provides care and support for those with a physical disability. If you would like to know more about the services provided please phone - 628926
Also CIRCA, the combined charities Information Centre, is open daily from Monday to Friday, 11.30am until 4.30pm. Circa is on the second floor of Chester Street Car park in Douglas. If the use of a wheelchair or a mobility scooter would assist you when you're shopping in Douglas, why not give Circa a call on - 613713
Pregnancy Advice
LIFE Pregnancy care service IoM - 620125 or 625996
Isle of Man Police (ask for a female member of CID) - 631212
Rape Crisis Line (London) - 020 7837 1600
Recycling Bins
Located at the Parish Hall in Andreas, Colby Glen Hotel Car Park, the entrance to the Millennium Park in Ballaugh, by the TT Grandstand in Douglas, Station Road car park in St Johns, Shoprite on Derby Road in Peel and at Shoprlte in Ramsey. There are also recycling bins in Castletown situated in the Commissioners' yard on Alexandra Road, where a Salvation Army bin for unwanted clothing is also located.
Carrey - Friend / IoM Lesbian & Gay Switchboard - 611600
IoM Divorce Court Welfare Service - 686578
Relate (marital and couple counselling) - 623902
Is life getting you down? Are you finding it difficult to cope? Why not talk to one the Samaritans? They're trained to listen and to give you the opportunity to talk about any kind of problem. Give them a call anytime on - 03300 945717
Smokers Quitline - 0800 002200
Manx Stroke Foundation - 627163
IoM Probation Service - 686578
The National Autistic Society, Isle of Man Branch
The National Autistic Society, Isle of Man Branch offers support and provides information, seminars and conferences, to parents/carers and professionals who care for children and young adults with autism and Asperger’s syndrome. We also work with Government Departments and other charities to improve services and we raise awareness of the condition in the community. We meet monthly, all are welcome. For further information call Paula on Tel: 853120 or email: paullahall@manx.net
Youth People
Youth Clinic - 613386