On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am


Lezayre (5 seats)



2021 nominations (UNCONTESTED):

Andrew Karl Brew

Vivien Ann Quane

Julian Harold Teare

Madeleine Rita Susan Padda Westall

2021/22 Rate (pence in £)

Lezayre is 97 pence in the £ and 510 Private Households as at the 2016 Census.

Northern Parishes Refuse Collection Board: Fixed charge per dwelling of £48.

Seats available: 5

The Parish: Lezayre includes settlements of Glen Auldyn and Sulby, and is within the constituency of Ayre & Michael.

The Authority: Lezayre Parish Commissioners is responsible for providing a range of local services, including being part of the shared Northern Civic Amenity site, the Ramsey & Northern Districts Housing committee, and the Northern Local Authority Swimming Pool boar

2016 election history: The 2016 election went uncontested.