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Fine for man who made threats in police station

50-year-old was ‘belligerent’ to officers

A Douglas man has been fined £500 after threatening to ‘knock someone’s head off’ whilst sitting in a police station.

Brian Reginald Cowin, of Fenella Court, went to Police Headquarters just before 10pm on 28 March.

The 50-year-old was due to act as an appropriate adult but was overhead on the telephone exclaiming: “I’m going to knock someone’s head off when I get in there.”

He directed his anger at the receptionist, pointing at him and making threats; he was then ‘belligerent’ to police officers who intervened.

At Douglas Courthouse Cowin admitted displaying provoking behaviour; his advocate told the court his actions were due to a mixture of ‘alcohol and emotion’.

“Mr Cowin accepts his behaviour was entirely inappropriate,” he added.

Fining Cowin, Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered him to pay £125 in prosecution costs.

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