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Hosepipe ban now in place

Think about using less water

The first hosepipe ban for 15 years is now in place.

Households are not allowed to wash a car or water the garden using a hosepipe, sprinklers or similar apparatus.

Non-compliance could lead to a fine of up to £1000.

Domestic users and businesses are also being asked to use less water.

For example, you are being asked to take a short shower rather than a bath and only use your washing machine when you have a full load and on the shortest cycle available.

Having experienced a very dry summer, Manx Utilities chair Dr Alex Allinson says the decision is based on the forecast for the next three months as Chief Forecaster at the Met Office Adrian Cowin explains:-

Advice from Manx Utilities:-

In the Bathroom

  • DO take short showers rather than a bath; saves 68 litres per shower 
  • DO place a full bottle into your toilet tank to reduce flow and DON’T flush unnecessarily- using the toilet as a bin can waste up to 54 litres of water a day 
  • DON’T let water run whilst brushing your teeth or washing hands, which can waste 9 litres a minute

In the Kitchen

  • DO use a dishwasher if you have one but make sure you only run it when full; this actually uses less water than hand washing for the same amount of dishes if you run the tap continuously, but do not pre-wash 
  • DO make sure you only run your washing machine when full and better yet; use the shortest cycle available 
  • DON’T run water to make it cold for drinking; fill a bottle and refrigerate for cool drinking water throughout the day 
  • DO use only enough water to cover food when cooking and use a bowl when washing and preparing fruit or vegetables which can save up to 23 litres a day 
  • DON’T use kitchen waste disposal units as they involve running significant amounts of water

In General

  • DO repair taps around and outside of the home; a dripping tap can waste up to 4000 litres a year so well worth repairing regardless of the circumstances. 
  • DON’T wash cars or windows even with buckets if you can avoid it, every little helps and it takes on average 3 buckets holding about 10 litres to wash a car.

Did you know....

  • A lawn can go up to 6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on the type, without watering and will enter a dormant stage to conserve water and survive the dry period. 
  • You can use ‘grey water’ to water non-food based plants, including your lawn and often watering every two weeks in a maximum of one half inch of water once your lawn goes brown could keep the plant crowns hydrated during the period. This will not make your lawn green but will increase long term survival during dry spells.

What is grey water?

Grey water is the relatively clean water from sinks, baths, washing machines and other kitchen appliances and even water from dehumidifiers. Essentially it is anything but waste water from toilets. Although it may look ‘dirty’ it is a safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water for your garden or (non-food) plants. 

You may not find all of these water-saving tips valuable, but some will be worthwhile. You may already be doing many of these things as part of your daily routine.

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