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Information Commissioner steps down from post blaming reduced budget

Future of independent authority now 'uncertain'

The Island’s information commissioner has quit his post blaming a reduced budget.

Iain McDonald will leave his job on 21 July after more than 20 years.

The Isle of Man Information Commissioner is the independent authority responsible for upholding the public’s information rights and promotes and enforces compliance with legislation.

In a post on LinkedIn the authority states: "Whilst the office has taken on considerably greater responsibilities since 2015 - including becoming arbitrator under the Freedom of Information Act and numerous additional tasks and functions under the Applied GDPR - resourcing, both financial and staffing, has not been sufficient to manage the ever-increasing workload, nor to enable all tasks to be fulfilled.

"Despite actively seeking additional funding for an extra member of staff, the existing budget was reduced in the latest budget round.

"This has had a devastating effect on the office staff and was the direct cause of the commissioner stepping down."

The authority adds that, at present, the future of the office is uncertain.

It’s apologised for delays in providing responses, or concluding complaints, as this is due to the large volume of work currently being handled.

Manx Radio invited the government to respond to the post. 

In a statement it said: "The Information Commissioner tendered his resignation to the Chief Minister on 25 April and the recruitment process is underway.

"The Isle of Man Government thanks Mr McDonald for his long service.

"The Office of the Information Commissioner will continue its operations."

Manx Radio contacted the Information Commissioner for further comment.

It was confirmed none will be given at this time.

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