On Air Sundown Judith Ley | 9:00pm - 1:00am


At Your Service

Sunday, 21 March 2021 - 30 minutes

We now know that for the second year, our celebration of Easter will be different - with none of the special church services, walks of witness and other ways that we mark the feast that’s at the very heart of the Christian faith.
And although this might at first seem disappointing, it COULD also make the Easter message even more meaningful.  
Because the message of  Easter - the absolute core of the Christian faith - is that God sent his son Jesus Christ to live a fully human life,  experiencing and understanding all the things that make up OUR  lives - even to accepting an unjust and degrading death on a cross -  but that death was not the end -  His rising from the dead on the first Easter Day is our invitation to share that same life without end, which he offers every day to everyone, everywhere.

On today's programme, seven people from different backgrounds match their present-day experiences with some key words from the Bible account of Jesus' mock trial and death. 
These first-hand stories show how events from two thousand years ago STILL speak to the situations we all recognise today.
Music today includes a bright and fresh recording of 'Be Thou My Vision O Lord of my heart' by the Chapel Choir from King William's College in Castletown, conducted by Head of Music, Mr Steve Daykin and  'The Servant King' by Graham Kendrick.
If you would like to choose a favourite hymn or worship chorus, I'd love to hear from you - email the details to me - judithley@manxradio.com

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