On Air After Hours Rhian Evans | 10:00pm - Midnight

Santa Trains - Groudle Glen Railway

No dates are scheduled for this event

10:00 - 15:30
Groudle Glen Railway, Onchan
Prices as displayed

A magical day out for all the family at the Island's best loved family Christmas event.

More Information (Manx Radio is not responsible for external websites)

A magical day out for all the family at the Island's best loved family Christmas event.

Trains run from 10am to 3:30pm (Please check your tickets for specific arrival time slot)

Please do not park at Groudle Beach, there is a free minibus service will be offered from the main King Edward Coast road to Groudle Beach.

Limited Family Saver tickets available for 2 adults & 2 children

PRE-BOOKING REQUIRED - tickets available online in advance at www.ggr.org.uk plus pre-purchase your Groudle Santa Hat and Reindeer food.
Tickets will not be available to purchase on the day at the railway


Groudle Glen Railway
Groudle Glen

More details for this venue


The event runs from 10:00 to 15:30 on the following dates.
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