On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Results for Peel

Local Authority General Election
Thursday, 28th April 2016


Peel (7 seats)

2016 Result for Peel Commissioners
Number of Seats 7
Total Number of Eligible Voters 3905
Total Number of Votes Cast 1405
Number of Rejected Ballot Papers 3
Turnout 36%
Share of Vote # Vote % Vote
Edward Cyril Convery 592 42.1%
Ian Grieg Davison 782 55.7%
Hazel Hannan 799 56.9%
Benjamin Timothy Heath 630 44.8%
Alan Glyn Jones 814 57.9%
David James Lace 482 34.3%
Christine Anne Moughtin 693 49.3%
Unelected Candidate(s)
Terence William Bennion 411 29.3%
Derek Philip Cannon 382 27.2%
Kenneth David Diack 451 32.1%
Leonard John Blackie Spencer 350 24.9%
David Roger Willis 388 27.6%

Declaration of Result

Simon Clarke reporting

Scene Set

Simon Clarke reporting

Area Profile

Jason Roberts reporting


Terence William Bennion

Derek Philip Cannon

Edward Cyril Convery

Ian Grieg Davison

Kenneth David Diack

Hazel Hannan

Benjamin Timothy Heath

Alan Glyn Jones

David James Lace

Christine Anne Moughtin

Leonard John Blackie Spencer

David Roger Willis

Returning Officer

D. Sewell

Polling stations

Number 1: Peel 1 - Corrin Hall, Derby Road, Peel

Number 2: Peel 2 - Corrin Hall, Derby Road, Peel