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Measles figures on the rise in the UK

More cases of the illness spotted in England

Are you going abroad this summer? Have you had your MMR vaccination?

Public Health England is advising the public to ensure they're had two doses of MMR vaccine, after outbreaks of measles have been confirmed across England.

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can sometimes lead to serious complications, and can even be fatal.

The latest UK figures suggest there have been almost 600 laboratory-confirmed cases in England in 2018, which is an increase from previous years.

That rise is mainly associated with travel to and from Europe, where larger outbreaks are taking place.

Young people and adults aged 15 and over, who missed out on the vaccine when they were younger, have been particularly affected.

Environments with close mixing such as festivals are more at risk, as well as unvaccinated people travelling to places like Romania and Italy.

Anyone who is unvaccinated and planning on travelling to Europe should seek health advice.

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