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Recommendation made to refuse Glen Truan

85-page document for Committee's consideration

The government planning authority considering a bid to develop a golf course in Bride, will recommend a refusal at an extraordinary committee meeting next week.

Officers from the Planning & Building Control Directorate, have alerted both applicants and objectors of the proposed development on the Glen Truan site of a further sitting arranged for Tuesday, 12th June.

The application by Lancashire-based Pure Leisure Group, to erect 55 holiday lodges on part of the Glen Truan site has been 'pending' since it was lodged back in September.

Due to the large amount of interest in the application, Planning Officers at the Department of Environment have determined that it is necessary for the matter to be heard at an extraordinary sitting at Ramsey Town Hall.

For the committee's consideration, the 85-page document of agenda alluded to the insufficient detail provided by the applicant which was contrary to a number of environment, transport and strategic policies laid out by Government.

The Planning Authority considered the proposal would result in an adverse visual impact upon the character of the countryside which would harm the quality of the landscape. 

It concluded the plans failed to meet their requirement of overriding national need.

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