On Air Saturday Sandwich Simon Clarke & Kirree Kermode | 10:00am - Noon

Shake up of learning disability services

A shake-up of services for adults with learning disabilities in the Island is on the way.

Social Care Minister Chris Robertshaw has announced a package of measures he says will better meet the 'changing needs' of service users.

Regular overnight respite care will be replaced with days and evenings out, with fewer residential stays.

Two new community homes offering 24/7 care will be built.

And more help is being promised for those who can live semi-independently, with support.

The plans are described as a 'rebalancing' exercise as the department seeks to reduce costs.

Mr Robertshaw is promising enhanced respite provision:

Some parents of grown-up children with learning disabilities are concerned the changes will mean less, not more, provision.

The vice chair of Manx Mencap, Di O'Brien, says the new-build community homes are welcome but will not extend current capacity.

And she says the loss of routine respite care has set alarm bells ringing for those who use it as a lifeline:

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