On Air Saturday Breakfast Kim Quine | 6:00am - 8:00am

Summer DTL league starts


The first round of the Tower Insurance Summer DTL League was held at Meary Veg Santon in near perfect conditions yesterday.



The leader after the first round was Alan Wade who hit all 25 targets for 72 points, in second place was Steven Craine on 71 with Arthur Hayes third on 68, then came Nigel Moffat on 66 followed by Stan Skinner on 63 and making up the top six was Mike Walker on 62.


In the second round Walker scored 65 to finish on 127 and sixth place ,Moffat scored 64 to finish in fifth place on 130 ,in fourth place was Skinner on 132,one point ahead in third place was Hayes on 133, in second place was the first round leader Wade on 140.


Taking the high gun prize was Craine who repeated his first round score of 71 to finish top dog on 142.



Nine shooters carried on to complete a 100 targets and Wade was the winner here hitting a fifty straight in the second half to finish on 287.


In second place was Skinner on 270, with Hayes coming in third on 263 one point ahead of Walker in fourth place .



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