Slaynt inchynagh ny cooish trome da ny meoiryn shee
Meoiryn shee goaill tastey jeh Laa Slaynt Inchynagh y Theihll
Ta slaynt inchynagh red ennagh as ta meoiryn shee Ellan Vannin jeeaghyn er feer trome-chooishagh.
Cur geill da Laa Slaynt Inchynagh y Theihll (Jelune 10 Jerrey Fouyir), ta'n Scruteyr Gavin Callow gra dy vel yn dean dy kinjagh dy yannoo oaseiryn aarloo wheesh as vees possible son ny taghyrtyn as foddee dy bee feme orroo daueysn cur geill.
Shoh jeant ayns caghlaaghyn aght, lesh trimmid lajer er jannoo shickyr dy vel caa da sleih loayrt mychione reddyn my vees feme oc er.
T'eh gra dy vel shoh goll er jannoo ayns caghlaaghyn aght, lesh trimmid lajer er jannoo shickyr dy vel caa da sleih loayrt mychione reddyn my vees feme oc er shen.
Ta'n Scruteyr Callow gra, son yn chooid smoo, dy vel reddyn goll er cur rish foddey ny share na v'ad.
AS YN SCRUTEYR CALLOW : Ayns ny shenn laghyn, yinnagh shin loayrt mychione y claynt inchynagh ain foddee, ayns aght neu-yeeragh. Veagh yn sorch dy chowag shen ain tra v'ou cheet back veih job, as yinnagh dy chooilley pheiagh gra, ve orroo gra, ny v'ayn, as foddee dy jinnagh oo goll son jough ny s'anmee, lurg traa obbree. Ta cheet lesh kuse jeh ny reddyn shen, cha nel eh cheet lesh kuse jeu. Agh er-lhiam jannoo shen ny smoo ayns aght jeant formoil – cre'n aght haink eh lesh shen, ny haink eh lesh loayrt my-e-chione, loayrt mychione ny cooishyn cho leah's vees possible 'sy stayd t'ayn – cooney.
Police force marks World Mental Health Day
Mental health is something which is taken very seriously in the Isle of Man police force.
Marking World Mental Health Day (Monday 10 October), Inspector Gavin Callow says the aim is always to prepare officers as much as possible for the incidents they may have to attend.
This is done in a variety of ways, with a strong emphasis on making sure people can talk about things if they need to.
Inspector Callow says, in general, things are handled much better than they used to be: