On Air 80s MixTape Ruth Shimmin | 10:00am - Noon

Sunday Opinion: 2nd December 2018

In the latest Quarterly economic report for, November, there were 120 vacancies in Catering and Entertainment. Vacancies have been high in this sector for a number of years now.  Why is this the case? What can be done to meet demands?

To discuss this, Bob Harrison will be joined by Rom Kesa from the Mannin Hotel, Ben Heath from Harbour Lights and Nigel Sperring - former manager of the Grand Island Hotel who now runs a guest house in Peel and a company who meet and greet cruise ships arriving in Douglas.

We’ll also hear from Chris Franklin who is behind the Hospitality and Catering course at University College Isle of Man.

All that from 12 noon. At 13:15, the Mannin Line will be open for you to contribute via calling 661368, texting 166177 or emailing studio@manxradio.com.