On Air Sunday Night Chill Out Chris Pearson | 7:00pm - 9:00pm


At Your Service

Sunday, 26 April 2020 - 31 minutes

AT YOUR SERVICE this week explores the same story in three different ways -the story tells of one of the encounters Jesus has, after he has risen from the dead, with two of his followers.
Firstly we hear the story as told in the Gospel of St Luke, then we're invited to imagine that we are 'the unknown disciple' in the story and finally we hear from someone who IS 'the unknown disciple' - but this is no ordinary story, and the ending offers us two challenges that are difficult to ignore.
Rev'd Canon Margaret Burrow, the Very Rev'd Nigel Godfrey, Dean of the Cathedral in Peel, and Pioneer Minister from Douglas, Rev'd Alex Brown are the storytellers.
Dean Nigel chooses 'Now the Green Blade Riseth' as one of today's hymns, and 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' is the choice of Rev'd Carol and Doug Fox, who keep in touch with their Manx friends by listening on line in the United States, and are really missing being in their home in Peel.
Anne Clarke reads the piece of verse/prose written by Kitty O'Meara from Wisconsin 'And the people stayed home' which so resonated with people, that it was shared right around the world within days of being posted by Kitty on Facebook.
And we end with a powerful and moving brand new poem by Reverend Stephanie Hunter, assistant curate working in the Church of England in Huddersfield. Rev'd Stephanie has strong Manx connections - her Mum and all her relations on that side of her family are Manx-born, and as part of her preparation for ordination about 6 years ago, Stephanie spent a year as an intern at the Cathedral in Peel. Stephanie's poem speaks to those who mourn the loss of a loved one, those who work on the front line in the fight against the coronavirus, and those who find their faith shaken to its very core, by the suffering they have experienced.
Your hymn choices for the programme are always welcome - via email - judithley@manxradio.com

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