Extra FoM practice forces compromise
The Isle of Man section of the Vintage Motorcycle Club (VMCC) has announced a change of schedule for tomorrow's first event of its Manx Rally (Thurs 23).
Organisers have altered their plans due to the extra Festival of Motorcycling practice session in the afternoon, following three nights of next-to-no laps for this year's competitors.
Bikers are invited to come and sign on from 9:30am onwards in Old Laxey as normal, but there will be no organised run out as such.
Those attending are still welcome to congregate at the A.R.E. Motorcycle Museum in Kirk Michael, where the run out was supposed to be finishing, for food and drink in between the afternoon and evening practice sessions.
Guests are then invited to stay and watch the evening session from the vantage point in Kirk Michael, if they wish.