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Island needs to 'get its act together' over footpaths says MHK

Government report about upkeep plan delayed

The Isle of Man needs to ‘get its act together’ and sort out the state of the public rights of way.

That’s the view of an MHK who has long wanted to see a more joined up approach to their upkeep.

In November 2021 Tynwald agreed to look at a more efficient way of coordinating the maintenance of footpaths.

David Buttery handed in a petition on Tynwald Day that year asking for a single government agency to take on the job of maintaining public rights of way.

As a result the Footpaths, Bridleways and Green Lanes Committee was formed and began hearing evidence and making recommendations.

But now almost three years later progress seems to have halted.

Douglas South MHK Sarah Maltby was the MHK who picked up the petition; she’s now the political member for Visit Isle of Man:

But with delays on a way forward comes frustration about the current state of some of the Island’s well-loved routes.

Charlie contacted Manx Radio to tell us about Marine Drive:  

And he’s not the only person who’s been in touch.

We asked you to share our experiences with us and issues with paths, pavements and roadways were highlighted.

You can find out what people thought by clicking this Facebook post:

đŸŒ±Does your favourite Manx footpath look like this? We've been made aware of a number of reports of overgrown footpaths...

Posted by Manx Radio on Monday, July 1, 2024

The Department of Infrastructure has previously advised people to report problems they find via the Notify.im website.

You can find a link to it HERE.

Manx Radio has invited the DoI to respond.

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