Company 'co-operating fully' with CURA
An investigation has been launched into allegations that Manx Telecom is charging customers who get their broadband from other suppliers more for its phone services.
The Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority (CURA) says, after receiving certain information, it's looking into whether the provider is meeting the terms of its licence.
Other allegations include; that Manx Telecom requires broadband customers of other service providers to install components for phone services it does not require its own customers to install.
Also, that it is advising its own customers they cannot keep their phone service if they change broadband providers.
CURA says it has asked Manx Telecom to provide further information and will issue a further notice regarding the investigation and its findings in due course.
In a statement to Manx Radio, Manx Telecom says it will co-operate fully with CURA's investigation.
You can view the investigation notice from the Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority HERE.