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Neutering, breeding and dogs on leads all highlighted in animal welfare consultation

Almost 300 total respondents to DEFA questionnaire

Stronger advice on neutering cats, concern over whether dogs should be on a lead in public and calls for more guidance on breeding.

Those were among the issues highlighted in a series of recent consultations on animal welfare.

Last year, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture asked the public for feedback on its animal welfare codes for dogs, cats, rabbits and horses, ponies, donkeys and hybrids.

Some of the 128 who responded to the dog consultation questioned whether dogs should be on leads in all public places, highlighting concerns over aggressive dogs around sheep.

But, DEFA felt it was unable to advise dog owners to keep their pets on leads at all times, with the majority using public areas responsibly.

Meanwhile, changes have been made to the animal welfare code for cats after respondents said there was a lack of information on neutering.

19 of the 100 respondents also said it should be compulsory for motorists to report collisions with cats, but DEFA said this was beyond the scope of its consultation as it would require an amendment to the Road Traffic Act.

Those replying to both questionnaires commented on breeding guidelines, and the department has confirmed it plans to consult and update legislation in the near future.

There were also 45 responses to the horses, ponies and donkeys & hybrids consultation, and 20 on rabbits.

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