On Air Daybreak Tom Cain | 6:00am - 9:30am

Tributes to former bishop

Lengthy obituaries to former bishop of Sodor and Mann Noel Jones appear in some of today's quality papers in the United Kingdom.

The Times donates a whole page to the man it describes as an 'Inspirational Chaplain of the fleet', who became a 'staunchly traditionalist' bishop, while the Telegraph claims he was a man of 'natural authority' who went 'supermarket shopping in his purple pomp'.

Both refer to his long episcopate on the Island allowing him to become very much at home here. He is also described as having been held in great respect and affection, despite being outspokenly conservative in his views.

Howard Caine reports (text, below, from attached audio file):

Both papers refer to Bishop Jones running his bishopric 'like an aircraft carrier'.

Reference is made to his strongly held views against the ordination of women and the remarriage of divorced people in church, which he referred to as 'preventing couples from committing perjury at the altar'.

The obituaries cover his distinguished naval career and the time he spent in Singapore, where he met his wife, Joyce.

Early in his career a senior officer tipped him for great things and he rose to be Chaplain of the fleet and Archdeacon for the Royal Navy, assisting at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of York.

On being approached to be Bishop of Sodor and Mann, he is reported to have said 'where on earth is Sodor?'

The papers claim he was held in great affection as the 'bishop in the pink dress', due to his habit of wearing his purple robes even when out shopping because, as he put it, 'the Island should know it had a bishop'.

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