On Air The Afternoon Show Alex Brindley | 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Free parking on Prom walkway this Xmas

Pairkal nastee er cassan yn Çhooylaghan ayns yn traa Nollick mleeaney

Lught-shappal ayns Doolish, bee tooilley pairkal nastee seose gys daa oor oc, ayns yn traa Nollick.

Ray Harmer, Shirveishagh Vun-Troggalys, ren eh yn briwnys 'eeraghey sy Chiare as Feed moghrey jea.

Dooyrt eh dy row yn briwnys jeant dy ghreinnaghey Ellanee dy happal dy h-ynnydagh, as dy phohlldal tarmaynys Vannin.

V'eh freggyrt feysht veih Rob Callister, Oltey son Skeerey Connaghyn, va currit er shaghryn ec naight er-linney, ren gra foddee dy beagh immanee eginit eeck son pairkal.

Agh yioold Mnr Harmer yn aggyrt.

Bee pairkal nastee ry-gheddyn er cassan hooylaghan Doolish veih'n nuyoo laa Mee Ny Nollick, feed cheead as shey-jeig, gys yn hoghtoo laa Jerrey Geuree, feed cheead as shiaght-jeig.

Free parking on Prom walkway this Xmas

Shoppers in Douglas will have additional free parking for up to two hours throughout the festive period.

Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer confirmed the decision in the House of Keys yesterday morning, and said it was made to encourage Islanders to shop local and support the Manx economy.

He was responding to a question from Onchan MHK Rob Callister - who had been misled by an online news article stating drivers may be forced to pay for parking.

But Mr Harmer dismissd the claims.

Free parking will be available on Douglas promenade walkway from December 9 2016 to January 8 2017.

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