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Braddan 'advised to double rates', says chair

Local authority had largest rates increase on the Island

The chair of Braddan Commissioners says the local authority was told to double its rates to address concerns over access at its new leisure centre.

Andrew Jessopp told Manx Radio the board was urged to pass the cost of lost income on to the ratepayers in a meeting with the treasury, infrastructure and health ministers.

Braddan recently announced a rate increase of almost 37% - the largest increase across all of the Island's authorities for the year ahead.

Mr Jessopp says a 100% rise would have been difficult to justify:

A spokesperson for the Isle of Man Government says: "Braddan Commissioners met with Isle of Man Government earlier this month to discuss the issue of access to the Roundhouse facility and resolution options."

"During this conversation Braddan Commissioners raised the issue of significant financial challenges resulting from their construction of the Roundhouse.

"It was reiterated that Government expects all Local Authorities to maintain fiscal balance and sustainability within their budgets and to budget prudently for foreseeable financial challenges. 

"Government notes that the setting of rates is solely a matter for local authorities and their Boards, and it is crucial that all authorities set effective rates to ensure budget balance and long-term stability in order to continue serving the best interests of their communities."

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