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Tougher times for students

The bar's being raised for payment of university fees for Manx students.

From next year, the number of UCAS points required from A-level students will go up from 160 to 200.

The following year those 200 UCAS points will have to include at least one C grade A-level.

Students will also have to be resident in the Island for four years instead of the current three to qualify for payment of academic fees.

Proposals will be put to Tynwald this month by the Department of Education and Children, which currently spends £11 million on higher education.

Parental contributions for the 4th year of degrees and post-graduate studies are also due to go up from £1000 to £5000.

At present the maximum £1000 contribution is means-tested but in future all students studying for a 4th year will have to pay the extra.

Island banks are expected to offer a loan system to help those families unable to meet the extra cost.

Director of Education Martin Barrow says the moves reflect the growing cost of higher education in these tough economic times.

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