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Tynwald condemns Middle East attacks

"We will not stand silent any longer", says MHK

Tynwald has condemned the attacks that have occurred in the Middle East and is calling for a permanent ceasefire and the immediate release of all hostages.

Rushen MHK Michelle Haywood presented a motion that asks politicians to agree to condemn attacks carried out by Hamas and the Israeli Government resulting in the death of thousands of innocent civilians.

Dr Haywood has previously admitted she doesn't expect the Isle of Man Government's call to make a difference in the conflict, but today said "we won't stand silent any longer".

Onchan MHK Rob Callister spoke of his 'extreme disappointment' in the United Kingdom's House of Commons due to a lack of 'clarity and conviction'.

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan put forward an amendment which sought to 'remind both sides of their responsibilities' to comply with international law:

That Tynwald:

  • Unreservedly condemns the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israeli civilians and calls for the immediate release of all hostages;
  • Notes that Israel has a duty to ensure the protection, security and welfare of its citizens and the occupied Palestinian population;
  • Unreservedly condemns the killing of innocent civilians on both sides, and calls on Israel to conduct military operations in accordance with international law;

Calls on the international community:

  • To unite in seeking to progress towards a sustainable, permanent ceasefire;
  • To call on Israel to abide by international law in the conduct of its military operations and to respect the basic human rights of Palestinian civilians;
  • To do everything within its power to create safe and meaningful aid corridors into the Gaza Strip and enable safe passage out of the region;


  • Stands in solidarity with the Palestinian and Israeli communities of the Isle of Man affected by the conflict.

More than 34,000 people are known to have died in the conflict since the 7 October attack which saw Israel retaliate with force.

An estimated 67,000 people are believed to be injured, 1.7 million Palestinians displaced, and two thirds of its entire housing stock destroyed.

Tynwald members approved Alfred Cannan's amendment:

House of Keys: 20 for, zero against.

Legislative Council: seven for, one against (Paul Craine).

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